Linux: Debian updates to the new version 10.8


Linux: Debian updates to the new version 10.8

Available l ' update 10.8 for Debian . A post appeared on the pages of the official blog over the weekend. For the new images of the universal operating system it is sufficient to take a look at what has been published on the official mirrors .

Debian 10.8: a security update

Some of the packages that have received updates include Firefox ESR (Extended Release Support), Chromium, Flatpak, VLC, the Linux kernel, OpenSSL, X.Org, APT, Thunderbird and NVIDIA graphics drivers. The changelog, however, primarily refers to the correction of some security problems .

The Debian Project is pleased to announce the eighth update of its stable Debian 10 distribution (codenamed Buster). This release mainly adds fixes related to security issues as well as some updates for serious issues.

Version 10 of the Linux distribution was published in its final version in July 2019 and will receive official support until 2024. The next 11 should arrive by this year 2021 following a two-year cadence as has been the case since 2007 with the debut of 4.0 (Etch) .

In March of last year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology examined the vulnerabilities detected from 1999 to 2019 by (surprisingly) promoting Windows and banning Debian .

A couple of curiosities . The term “Debian” comes from the union between the name of its creator (Ian Murdock) and the first three letters of what was his girlfriend (Debra Lynn) in the early 90's when the project was founded. The one of the versions that followed is instead a tribute to the characters of the Toy Story saga that its curator Bruce Perens worked on during the period he spent in the service of Pixar.

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